Learn The Proven Way to Move Through Feeling Stuck and Paralyzed in Your Relationship So That You Can Get CLARITY on What You Need to Do Next

One of the biggest struggles women face when they are unhappy in their marriage is making that final decision about whether to stay and keep trying to fix the relationship, or leave and start a new life. This is an especially painful consideration when minor kids are involved. So, how do you know if the relationship is salvageable? You’ve tried everything, nothing is working to make it better.

It’s time to do something completely different! 

Learn my proven Take Space Method here in this (free) exclusive audio. 

The 5 Step Take Space Method

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    Who Am I?

    A Quick Intro...

    I'm a former therapist with a background in Counselling Psychology and have over 11 years of experience counselling and coaching women. Since 2019 I've specialized in helping women gather the clarity and strength to leave marriages where they are experiencing narcissistic abuse. My mission is to help women break free from relationships that are holding them back from being who they are meant to be, and never settle again.
    Leanne Oaten
    Transformational Guide For Women

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