Break Free Assessments

Ready to Take It Up A Notch And Level UP Your Life?

"This was amazing, honestly. I’ll listen again and get writing and planning!"
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Jenna P.
"You spent a good amount of time on the video response and I felt the personalization of it very clearly. I was happy with the length of the video and didn’t feel like any of your responses were “canned”. You helped me see some things in different ways. I hadn’t really realized I was in analysis paralysis, so I appreciated that you called that out. I also appreciated that you pointed out family isn’t always the healthiest place to turn to “vent” because they most likely have their own issues and don’t see my problems clearly/objectively"
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Jenna P.

During this assessment, you will write to me in detail about your current situation, and I will record a personalized video made just for you with my advice and your next steps.

Examples of advice I can give you during this assessment:

  • How to stay in your power and handle the immediate challenges before and after leaving a narcissist (or someone who exhibits the traits of one)
  • Getting off the fence – questions you have about your next steps when you are ready to exit and want to avoid the biggest mistakes
  • Parenting after separation while being a protective parent 
  • Dating and relationship advice to avoid another toxic relationship and attract a higher value man
  • Healing after abuse, reclaiming your power and independence 

If you want my direct, no BS and to-the-point advice, tips, and guidance customized to YOUR specific situation, and you are an action taker who feels confident in implementing the steps given, this is for you!


Here’s How The Break Free Assessment works:


1. Once you sign up you’ll immediately receive your instructions and, an assessment form via email after your purchase has been processed. Please fill this out ASAP so I can get your response to you so you can start implementing right away!

2. Include your current marital / separation/divorce status, your desired goals and outcomes, where you’re most stuck, and exactly what you want my advice on. Include up to 3 specific questions if you desire. 

3. Once I receive your information and go over it in detail,  I will record and send you a video going over all of the points you included in your form, and giving you some next steps (this is why sharing to the point, clear challenges you’re experiencing NOW without too much unnecessary backstory is key)

Once I receive your submission and payment, your personal and custom audio recording will be sent to you within 5 business days so you can start implementing the advice I offer!

Please note: If you submit your form on a Friday, I may not have your video ready until the following Friday. 

Disclaimer: This is not to be considered as direct advice, legal or financial advice. I do not give advice around these issues, as they are very personal and are reserved for a client-coach relationship. If your finances aren’t together, this is a deeper issue that needs to be addressed before you can plan an empowered exit!


For a Limited Time Grab Your Assessment for ONLY $97


Purchase Assessment for $97


Fill out the Diagnostic Form


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