Private Customized Divorce Coaching and Mentoring For High-Achieving, Successful Women Who Want to Reclaim The Woman They Are Meant To Be After Relationship Betrayal, Manipulation and Trauma

What Will We Be Working On In Coaching?

While each client is different in their needs and current struggles, if you are in the process of divorcing a high-conflict ex, I can help you navigate this with confidence and avoid emotionally reacting, losing your mind, and making things worse in the process.

This is not a cookie-cutter program, but is personalized to you based on what you need to reach the outcomes you desire, and overcome the current challenges you’re facing in your separation and divorce journey. Some of the issues I have helped women overcome:

  • How to plan your exit, and freedom date and work toward the freedom goal – even when doubts surface and you start questioning yourself
  • Moving through the aftershock and numbness after escaping the extreme cycles of highs and lows of narcissistic abuse
  • Get responsive coaching for how to deal with the immediate challenges you will face as you navigate separation and co-parenting with a controlling, combative, narcissistic ex
  • Put into action your healing on a multidimensional level, by integrating the 9 areas of living a reclaimed life
  • Get the emotional healing tools and practices so you no longer feel emotionally dependent on a man ever again
  • Where to begin rebuilding a life for yourself that feels good to you, on your own terms
  • Healing the emotional void that follows after a lifetime leaving one toxic relationship for another 
  • What to do when you think you should be feeling happy, but you don’t despite everything looking good on the outside
  • Learn the tools and practical practices for how to feel and move through decades of repressed emotions that you don’t know what to do with 
  •  Embark on your spiritual healing journey and how to find a deeper meaning to all you have been through
  • Overcoming nice girl syndrome, stop being a doormat for manipulators and abusers  
  • Learn how to start prioritizing yourself because nobody is going to prioritize your evolution, healing and growth for you
  • Stop tolerating bullying, manipulation and intimidation tactics – including how to handle a toxic ex who continues to try to dominate your life 
"Before I started working with Leanne I was feeling stuck at the end of my 23 year relationship. The prospect of staying was devastating, but the leap to leave was equally terrifying. Coaching with Leanne helped me to know that for 90 days I would have her support as I took the leap to leave, and that wherever my leap took me she would be there. Coaching and having access to her on Voxer when I needed it really helped me to know what to expect, and what crazy making actions I experienced from him were to be expected. While my experience leaving was difficult, I never doubted my decision and I had clarity that what I did was the right thing. This is because of Leanne. I had failed at many prior attempts to leave because I would doubt myself or get sucked back in. Coaching helped me to have clarity on who I was dealing with, that I was indeed saving my life and helped me to come back to these truths."
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Former Private Coaching Client

Who Is Private Coaching For?

Private coaching is for women who are learning that in order to take care of everything in their lives, they must take care of themselves first, because no one else is coming to save them. It’s for women who have a pattern of ignoring their own needs in order to attract and keep a man. It is for women who are starting to see that being nice doesn’t pay off in the long run. It is for women who want to learn a new way of creating the relationships and life they want from a place of authenticity. And it is for women who are currently being emotionally abused, or are experiencing narcissistic abuse who want to break out of this pattern for good


If you are currently experiencing narcissistic abuse and you are ready to make an exit plan and act on it but want the support of a coach on your side, I offer exit planning coaching only for women who are ready to exit.

How Does it Work?

Once we chat to ensure this program is a good fit for you, I can take payment over the phone via credit card. Once that is processed, you will have instant access to the full Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Program and my Voxer voice/text messaging service. You can begin messaging me the same day! 

You will also get access to my calendar to book in your sessions. 

 Through the combination of the self paced curriculum of MP3 audios, videos and supporting materials, along with coaching sessions and Voxer messaging support, you’ll be powerfully guided and coached through your toughest moments of navigating the separation and divorce process. 

 Get the same – day responses to your toughest challenges so that you can handle them with confidence!

Because you will have access to me between sessions – you will never be left to figure it out on your own.  

What Is Your Training And Experience?

I am a former Registered Counsellor with a background and education in Counseling Psychology and Mindfulness Based Coaching. I have over 11 years combined counselling and coaching experience, and for the past 6 years I have guided groups of women, as well as private clients to exit and rebuild their lives on the other side of narcissistic abuse through my Awakening Women coaching practice. I have also experienced these dynamics in my past, so understand the complexities of untangling and recovering from a relationship like this. 

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