Join the Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Program

"I came across this course at the exact moment I needed to, and it has been beyond valuable. In all honesty there were moments where I felt like I wasn't make any progress, and ones where I doubted that I ever would. But just doing the work- reading and listening and actually writing out my reflections really did result in clarity. Suddenly my needs and the beginnings of some real boundaries were right in front of me, in my own handwriting! I feel more in tune with myself than I think I ever have, and I am so grateful for you Leanne, and this incredible course. Thank you so, so much." J.A
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Anna D.
TANA Student
What I got from this program is a combination of knowing I'm not alone and HOPE.  There's a certain amount of comfort that comes from knowing you're not the only one to experience this thing.  Seeing that other people go through this and come out on the other side to have healthy relationships and live 'normal' lives gave me some hope.  One of my biggest fears in leaving was that I would just end up with someone as bad or worse.  I don't feel like that's the only option now.  I'm not ready for a relationship yet, but I feel like if I happened to find someone, I have the tools to make better choices and a clearer vision of what it is that I would really want. 
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Amy P.
TANA Student

Experiencing relationship betrayal and Narcissistic abuse is an INITIATION to becoming whole and fully embodied in your feminine power. 


Going through relationship betrayal and the emotional and psychological brutality of narcissistic abuse is a spiritual initiation to becoming the highest version of ourselves


Ideally we’d have the time and space to move through the grief the loss. To restore and recalibrate. We have deep support and women around us to support us through this transition, rather than being told we just need to move on.


When a relationship ends- especially after narcissistic abuse, manipulation, coercive control, sexual abuse and betrayal are involved, we often struggle with a lack of clarity for how to move forward through the wreckage.


When we add the pressures of jobs/business, kids to feed and get places, a home to take care of, family and other commitments and responsibilities the weight of it can feel all consuming and overwhelming. We long for a lifeline, some kind of support or relief from the pressure.


What if?


On the other side of betrayal you learn how to never betray yourself again?


On the other side of manipulation you learn discernment and never allow yourself to ignore your intuition again?


On the other side of neglect, you learn how to take exquisite care of yourself – so that if anyone comes along and messes up the peace you’ve created for yourself you’ll immediately know they need to go?


On the other side of having your feelings dismissed and minimized, you learn how to be with and love your own emotions, so that you are ALIVE, rather than shut down and numb?


There are gifts within the trauma of past relationship betrayal and abuse. 


If you do choose to take this initiation into becoming your whole healed self?


When you’ve come full circle with this initiation, you become a woman that will never let things slide, let others abuse you, be naive to lies and manipulation, and you’ll never ignore your intuition again! 


I do believe those of us who are strong enough to choose growth over staying stuck, and healing over staying victimized, and evolution over staying trapped in the past- we are the 1%!


You’re here because you are part of that 1%. 

I invite you to let the cost of your past relationship choices to serve as fuel for your new commitments, that you will always choose yourself, you will advocate and stand up for yourself and NEVER lose your power like that ever again!

Women are resilient!

You can transform this experience into energy that will strengthen and heal you, this is a promise. 

While therapy, having friends around you to vent to, time and perhaps a new, healthier lover are all part of this healing journey, these things are only a temporary bandage.

Healing our feminine energy and the impact of the pain we’ve experienced from wounded masculine men, and connecting with a deep knowing of ourselves as women of value and wholeness requires a holistic approach

The deep internal rupture we’ve experienced from past relationship betrayal separates us from our belief in our own worth and value. We lose trust in ourselves- which is the highest price to pay.

The Impact of Divorce on Kids:

Statistics show that most children  of divorced parents are more likely to bounce back and do well after the adjustment period as long as both parents work together for the good of their kids, and both parents demonstrate that the kids wellbeing is the top priority.

Unfortunately, when you’re dealing with a narcissistic ex (and if they are the father of your children) you don’t have the ability to make them be responsible and put the kids first. 

In fact, you will be dealing with a plethora of counter-parenting, having them work against you and use the kids as bargaining chips and a means for manipulation.

This might feel hopeless, but don’t lose sight of all of the ways you can influence the wellbeing and stability of your children in your home, and in your relationships with them, including how you choose to engage with your ex spouse.

Children can thrive again as long as they have 1 stable, loving and responsive parent to turn to. 

And in order to be that for them, you’ve got to get your mental and emotional balance in check, and be very strategic over what you give your attention to.

You have much more power to influence how well your kids adjust to the divorce than you could ever realize, but you can't be the mom you want to be when you're caught in the drama of your ex

What You'll Do Inside The TANA Program:

How it Works

Once you register you’ll have instant access to the program education area and receive an invite to join our community. You can dive it right away and get started!


Your membership includes 6 weeks of access to the curriculum, group Q & A’s and private support community. 


Each module is unlocked on a weekly basis to help you integrate what you’ve learned, and avoid the feeling like you are behind. Once you have completed the 6 week program, you will have the option to continue on a monthly basis.

On the week of your new module release, you will also get coaching emails to help you stay accountable and on track with your work.


The weekly Transformational Sessions are pre-recorded, and you can pause them where necessary. There are also audio versions of each masterclass, so you can listen, and re-listen on the go. 


Once you register you’ll receive an email from me with your next steps, instructions for how to get started, and strategies for how to set yourself up for success.

No Stress Guarantee:

My 6 week guarantee: If the only thing you do right now is dive in and commit to doing the work in this program, you will experience profound shifts and will be taking new actions to change your life after relationship betrayal.  You must complete the entire course to 100%, and be active in the community to get any questions answered. If after doing all of this you don’t feel the program was delivered as represented, or that it did not help you in the areas you most need the help with, you will get a no questions asked refund within 6 weeks of your enrollment date.

What You Get Immediate Access To When You Enroll:

*6 Weeks Access to Program Materials, Community & WhatsApp group Q & A opportunities

And, I’ve sweetened the pot for you, because you also get some additional bonuses to support your journey: 

  • Community Support: 6 weeks Access to our Transformation community to connect with other women in the course. This is a secret community, off of Facebook so we can connect and stay focused on the work. Accessible through the app or desktop ($1,200 value). Participate in Weekly Group Q & A’s, discussions and interaction with me around the program content and themed chats inside the community – no need to attend live group calls! 
  • Curriculum: 6 weeks of access to The Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse curriculum delivered in 6 x 60 minute pre-recorded video and MP3 version of the classes. Access them 24/7 as many times as you want to continue your learning process ($3,000 value)

And, to sweeten the deal, you also get a $430 BONUS BUNDLE Including:

  • *NEW* Breakthrough Messaging Audio Library  –  Short and straight-to-the-point advice about how to respond, message and communicate with a difficult ex when you can’t go no contact ($97 value)
  •  Private Podcast Library to listen on the go ($130 value)
  • What you MUST Know Before You Sign a Custody Agreement ($97 value)
  • How to Avoid Wasting Money and Time in The Legal Process Audio ($97 value)


Get access to over $4,000 in coaching for only 1 payment of $797 USD (or choose the installment plan below)

“If you get a chance to work with Leanne she will help you transform your behavior and shift your energy towards what serves you. I’m so grateful she has taught me to love myself just the way I am and to go deep and face my emotions head on. Leanne taught me to set boundaries and take care of me. Thank you for lifting me up”.
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Jennifer P.


the only holistic-based program that helps you radiaclly shift your life on the other side of a high-conflict relationship


797 $
  • 6 weeks of Access to The TANA Curriculum
  • 6 Weeks inside The Secret Divorce Healing Community
  • Breakthrough Messaging Course
  • The Fix Yourself Private Podcast


3 X 333 $
  • 6 weeks of Access to The TANA Curriculum
  • 6 wekks inside The Secret Divorce Healing Community
  • Breakthrough Messaging Course
  • The Fix Yourself Private Podcast

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Get Out of Limbo and Take Back Your Power in a Destructive Relationship