Do you often ask yourself:

"What is Happening to Me?"
Does your physical and mental state continue to get worse over time?
Do you feel like you're going crazy?

From the End The Cycle Vault:

The Narcissistic Abuse Effect is a video inside my ETC program that covers the most predominant patterns I have seen working with so many women in these relationships over the past 11 years as a counsellor and coach.

In This 2-Part Session I Cover:

  • The difference between self integrity, healthy accountability, ownership and too much responsibility and unhealthy self-blame 
  • Why you feel at fault for the relationship issues and guilty about wanting to end your relationship 
  • Taking healthy responsibility vs trying to control your spouse 
  • Why you feel so much guilt in your relationship and how to shift it fast
  • The hidden effects of narcissistic abuse 
  • Phrases narcissistic abusers say to shift the blame on to you when you bring up a problem or set a boundary, say no, or leave the relationship 
  • How to STOP confusion in it’s tracks and gain mental clarity about what you are experiencing
  • How to STOP wondering if he is a narcissist starting TODAY
  • Stop wondering if YOU are the narcissist or if you are abusive too

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