Enroll in Leanne Marie's


Gain Clarity on the Root Cause of Your High-Conflict Relationship and Discover If Your Relationship Can Be Changed - in 30 Days or Less

What if You Could Rapidly and Powerfully Change The Dynamic In Your Relationship Within 30 Days in a Way That is 100% in Your Control?

The Good News is You Absolutely Can!

Right now you are feeling stuck in your relationship, and all of the things you’ve been doing to this point have not worked.This is because you haven’t changed who you are BEing and how you see things has stayed the same. All the books, podcasts and content you consume on a daily basis is not moving the needle because it doesn’t give you context, meaning the guidance for how to apply it in your specific situation. It doesn’t take into account your internal state and outer environment, and the potential complications if you are dealing with a disordered or abusive spouse.


End the Cycle gives you the clarity, confidence and conviction to take your next empowered steps and make your empowered plan for the future, with or without your spouse. It’s about you getting stronger, and making YOU the main character in your life. Once you know how to actually embody this, everything begins to shift automatically and without the exhausting force and effort you’ve been using up until now. 

Within 30 Days in ETC You Will:

Week 1: Get Clarity on The Cycle of Abuse and Trauma Bonding

In this lesson learn the phases of the abuse cycle, and the behaviours to watch out for. It’s important to know that while the abusive partner is driving the cycle, you have some power over how much you will allow it to destroy your inner emotional state

Inside Module 1 Learn:

  • The phases of the abuse cycle 
  • Identifying and naming the abuse tactics
  • Spotting covert (hidden) manipulation, control, coercion and abuse and how to begin disentangling from the confusion 
  • Begin learning to trust yourself, your feelings and experience. Building self trust is part of becoming more empowered.
  • Learn how to speak into your experience in the moment
  • The most transformational hour you can spend on your self each day to radically shift how you feel
  • How to BE in your body. 
  • Why you can’t stand having sex with your partner and avoid any physical intimacy altogether 
  • Know the phases of the cycle using my journal method. Use this as a guide for recording your experiences.
  • Understand and curtail your emotional triggers and reactivity 

Week 2 : Own Your Boundaries and Needs | Your Journey of Transformation, Self Worth and Self Love

Taking steps to better your own life, set new limits and stand strong in those new limits will show you who your partner really is. You’ve been bending and twisting yourself to be what he wants you to be in order  to avoid the reactions that you have become accustomed to. This has created a self imposed prison where you have not felt free to be your true self to control his behaviour and reactions. 
By taking steps to reclaim your limits boundaries, and ultimatums and take back your power. 

In Module 2 You’ll learn:

  • Why boundaries are critical to your self-care, happiness and health
  • How to know what boundaries you need to work on and in what areas and relationships
  • A self-assessment of your current boundary health
  • Signs you need to set boundaries with someone (when a boundary is crossed)
  • A proactive boundary script to prepare someone for what you expect from them ahead of time
  • Setting boundaries with energy vampires 
  • How your core values inform your boundaries 
  • How to know who is draining you in your life 
  • Boundary Embodiment and how to stand in your truth 
  • Knowing Your Internal and external Boundaries
  • 12 Essential Keys to Healthy Boundary Setting
  • The 8 main boundary areas
  • Common boundary challenges and how to navigate them in different scenarios and settings.
  • How to shift out of self Avoidance and bring the focus back to YOU
  • My 3 Step process for how to stop dissociating from your pain and experience 
  •  My Boundary Contract script for preparing a difficult person for what you expect from them in a specific scenario 
  • [BONUS class] Self Avoidance, Dissociating and How To Create a Boundary Contract Script
  • 4 Boundary Blocks that keep you abandoning yourself with boundary bullies
  • How to protect your energy when your partner vents his negativity
  • Define Your Non-Negotiable Relationship Needs
  • Cultivating Inner and Outer Safety

Week 3 : Your Inner Work to Get Clarity on Whether to Stay or Leave

In order to create change, and get clarity on what you want, you must first change within. Inside this module you are going on a deeply transformational journey of self discovery, paradigm shifting and changing stuck thinking patterns that keep you in the same cycles of conflict. 

Inside Module 3 Learn: 

  • How to start Self Healing whether you are in the relationship or not
  • Aligning Your Personal Values 
  • Owning Your Self Worth 
  • Setting Boundaries 
  • Saying “NO MORE” in your relationship 
  • Powerful questions to ask yourself to get clarity whether leaving or staying is the right thing
  • Codependent Behaviour in abusive dynamics 
  • Meeting your own needs to keep yourself well 
  • Self Abandonment and how to know when you are moving into this
  • Empowering yourself with radical self-care 
  • Taking self-ownership of your reactions 
  • How you give your emotionally abusive partner your power 
  • *NEW* An intro seminar audio to Inner Child Healing + Trauma
  •  How to connect to your body messages, intuition and create more inner calm using my Theta Mind-Body Relaxation practice (MP3)
  • Powerful mind-shifting journal exercises for awakening
  • My self-coaching practice for shifting out of a downward spiral 
  • Paradigm Shifting: Changing the beliefs that keep you trapped in dead-end relationship cycles
  • How to get clarity about whether to stay and keep trying, or leave and start a new life 
  • The Ultimatum: How to say “no more” in your relationship to the things you can no longer live with, and how to present this to your partner 

Week 4 : Planning Your Safe Exit Strategy

Even if you are still not 100% certain leaving is the right decision, going thorough this module will provide you with that clarity. May women who get to the end of this section have said this was where they developed the courage to take those first steps even if they were undecided at the time of beginning this module.

Inside this module you will learn:

  • How to get clarity about whether you should stay or leave (another layer deeper, building off of module 3)
  • What documents you MUST gather BEFORE you tell him you’re leaving – this is crucial!
  • What to do NOW to take control over your financial future and protect your money
  • Making the BIG decisions, what to do about your family home, what is in the best interest of you and your children?
  •  How to handle the awkward in-between time when you know you are leaving but have not told him 
  • 5 Ways to begin your divorce process from an empowered place 
  • The financial audit you must do to take charge of your money
  • How to tell him it’s really over (when you are ready)
  • How to initiate an in-house separation if you can’t leave right away or have legal proceedings to complete before leaving the marital home but want out of the relationship NOW
  • 12 Principles for Going No/Low Contact 

“Before joining the End The Cycle program I was overwhelmed, my head was spinning, I was constantly hurt and in distress and had no clue why other than that my relationship was unhealthy. This program helped me to see the dynamics at play, know that I am not crazy or the one causing the chaos, know that yes I do play a part in the dance and to take responsibility for my own wellbeing. These are valuable life tools and essential when dealing with a covertly abusive partner because generic advice doesn’t work with them. I feel like I armed with the tools I need to move forward.” L.G

Stop leaking your energy into your relationship and use it as fuel to change your life

Inside, you'll be walked through a specialized process I have refined and improved over the past 6 years, using my unique and proven End The Cycle Method. By following steps, trusting the process and doing the work, you will get clarity on what you're experiencing in your relationship, find out if it can (or cannot) be changed, and start your exit planning so that you are prepared to make that ultimate decision when it is right for you

How End The Cycle is Different Than Anything You've Tried So Far

With over 11 years of experience in the field of Counselling Psychology and as a Certified Mindfulness-Based Coach, I’ve developed a method that uniquely blends psychology, spirituality, and practical coaching techniques—something I haven’t seen anywhere else. This isn’t just theory; it’s a deeply personal, hands-on approach that works.

For the last 6 years, I’ve been obsessed with helping women break free from the devastating cycle of narcissistic abuse. Through my Awakening Women Podcast, courses, private coaching and End the Cycle, I’ve helped thousands of women who have felt stuck, overwhelmed, and drained by unhealthy relationships—many of whom had been in therapy for years and still didn’t see the progress they longed for. 

I’m not here to offer you more of the same. 

My approach was specifically designed for women who have been through it all. You know the ones—the ones who have tried everything and still feel trapped.

In my work, I’ve refined a unique blend of psychology, holistic principles, and spiritual guidance that rapidly shifts women from confusion and self-doubt to clarity and empowerment. In fact, women often tell me that what I offer moves the needle forward in ways traditional therapy alone never did.


Here’s where my End The Cycle method sets itself apart:


While many programs focus on labeling you as a victim, my approach is rooted in helping you understand why you’ve stayed stuck, without shaming you. I don’t believe in a “you’re the victim, they’re the abuser” narrative. Instead, I empower you to reclaim your personal power by understanding your role in the dynamic—and this is the key to lasting change.


I’ve designed a proven 30-day method that has been a game-changer for women who’ve been in toxic relationships for decades. 


It’s not about more therapy or more talking. It’s about creating rapid transformation—shifting your mindset, your boundaries, and your behavior, so that you take back control. Within just 30 days, you’ll experience a full circle shift—gaining the tools, mindset, and clarity to walk away from relationships that no longer serve you.


 I’m not just an outsider looking in. I’ve personally experienced the confusion, pain, and complexity of covert abuse. I get it in a way few others can


I combine my personal lived wisdom with over a decade of professional experience to give you a roadmap that is both compassionate and powerful.


In 2020, during the lockdown, I created this program so that women could heal on their own terms—without the need for more in-person therapy or community support groups that can often feel intimidating or overwhelming. You can implement the modules privately, at your own pace, around your life. No judgment. No pressure. Just the tools you need to change your life, from the comfort of your home.


And I guarantee: there is no other program out there like this one. 


So what have you got to lose?


If you’re ready to end the cycle, break free from toxic patterns, and finally reclaim your power, this is where it starts.

My promise: If the only thing you do right now is dive in and commit to doing the work in this program, and follow it step by step, you will not recognize yourself by the end. Whether you stay or leave your marriage, you will not be the same woman at the end. This program radically and permanently changes women’s lives in ways years of therapy and self-help alone cannot accomplish. 


I Asked Women to Answer: How Did The End The Cycle Method Help You More Than Anything Else You've Tried So Far?

"ETC dives deep in to narcissism and personality traits that go along with it. ETC reminds me to let go of the "victim mentality"; providing me with an awareness and accountability for myself. I matter."
"ETC offered specific guidance that helped me understand not only the spectrum of narcissistic behavior but also my own role in the relationship. ETC also hammered home the importance of self-care as a means to place the focus on myself as well as highlight how self-care practices are essential to staying well physically and emotionally."

More Results From The 30 Day End The Cycle Program:

"Before stumbling across awakening women on Instagram, I was confused, being manipulated and emotionally abused, daily. I didn't even know what gaslighting was. I was often crying, not wanting to proceed with my day, tangled up with my partner. Everyday now, [after working with Leanne and the ETC program], I empower myself more and feel better. I am in a healthy routine and bettering myself now, I'm learning about energy and I am motivated to protect mine. My focus used to be on my partner and everything he was doing. Now my focus is on me and my kids. I've changed the way I react to him and slowly but surely disconnecting myself from the toxicity” C.C
If you get a chance to work with Leanne she will help you transform your behavior and shift your energy towards what serves you. I’m so grateful she has taught me to love myself just the way I am and to go deep and face my emotions head on. Leanne taught me to set boundaries and take care of me. Thank you for lifting me up”. J.P
"ETC has radically shifted my reality and transformed my beliefs that I was powerless and unworthy. The truth is I am powerful, worthy, and I matter! I am deserving of a healthy relationship and I no longer accept mistreatment in place of love. Thanks Leanne!" A.T
"Before I found Leanne, I had spent a year reading and watching everything I could get my hands on about narcissistic abuse. I went from simply being educated about it to being supported and coached in such a caring and understanding way that gave me the strength and validation to leave. If I wanted to stay, she would have certainly helped me with that too. That’s what is different with Leanne. She supports you with whatever you decide to do."
"Before ETC I was still trying to figure out both me and my husband. ETC helped me to focus solely on me and what I need and want in a relationship. I was able to let go of some things that were not helping me and had actually been hurting me. I gained a lot of confidence about myself and my own abilities. I feel like a capable and empowered woman now. I don’t know exactly what my future looks like but I know I can handle it."
"Before ETC, I was leaning toward leaving the relationship--and that's where I am now, except I feel much more "prepared" mentally and emotionally. I truly believe the boundary work (which I desperately needed to do) will benefit other relationships in my life -- and perhaps future relationships. I also learned some things about myself, including how the way I've shown up/reacted to my current relationship is often the way I'm showing up/reacting to other things in my life. This was a powerful realization for me--and was one of several "aha" moments."
"I was lost in the fog because I had not been true to myself due to strong codependent patterns. I learned that I need to practice self care. I understood that setting boundaries and enforcing them is a skill - it needs to be practiced consistently. And most importantly, I learned to take radical self responsibility and own my power. I am not a victim." A.F
"I came across this program at the exact moment I needed to, and it has been beyond valuable. In all honesty there were moments where I felt like I wasn't make any progress, and ones where I doubted that I ever would. But just doing the work- reading and listening and actually writing out my reflections really did result in clarity. Suddenly my needs and the beginnings of some real boundaries were right in front of me, in my own handwriting! I feel more in tune with myself than I think I ever have, and I am so grateful for you Leanne, and this incredible course. Thank you so, so much." J.P

To work with me privately to cover the extent of what I do inside this program would be an over 15k investment.

My 30 Day Private Intensives are $6k.

But you get access to all of it for a fraction of this investment!

Frequently asked questions

This program has helped hundreds of women all over the world! 


$ 555 USD Price is increasing to $1,111 soon
  • All-Access to Leanne's Proven 4- Week, Step by Step End The Cycle Curriculum (With BONUS 30 days of Access)
  • Question Submission - Leanne will select from questions that are submitted and answers will be provided on the private podcast inside the program portal
self study


While not a substitute for clinical therapy, ETC will provide you with in-depth transformation, community support, responsive answers to your questions as they arise, and powerful tools and insights you won’t get in  therapy.  I have had women take their new insights from the program into therapy sessions to work it out with their therapist, and many of them ask who I am, and start listening to my podcast. Therapy along with ETC can be a powerful combination, but committing to the process I outline is crucial to getting results. 

There are no refunds or cancellations on digital products purchased.

No, there is no direct access to Leanne. You will have opportunities to submit questions to be answered bi-weekly in audio format and uploaded into the program portal

The ETC Method is designed for women who are still in the relationship, or who are separated but are still feeling entangled with their ex, and are seriously considering reconciliation. Maybe your partner has made some changes, and you want to know if it’s going to stick this time. This method will give you clarity and a step by step process to know if your relationship can, or should be saved before you make the decision. Before you decide to engage back in the relationship, I urge you to take ETC first.

Many women leave a relationship like this and return, statistics say 7 times, before leaving for good. It is also common to get sucked back in with manipulation and promises each time you try to leave. Being in this program will help you formulate clarity, inner strength, and a plan for your exit, as well as preparing yourself emotionally and logistically, will increase the odds that when you do leave, it will be for good. 

We do not make currency adjustments. Adjusting the currency for every person that requests it would be extremely time consuming, and an admin nightmare. USD is a standard and universal currency for global businesses, and 90% of our business expenses, including software and tools to house our online programs, are paid for in US dollars

This program is designed to get you out of overwhelm by taking very specific and focused ACTIONS. Right – action is the cure to overwhelm. Plan 1 hour daily to go through the course and implement the exercises. 

Implementing the weekly curriculum will give you clarity on whether you are experiencing narcissistic abuse. If you are not, you will be guided with where to go from wherever you are. This program is designed to give you that clarity and a plan forward whichever way you decide to go.

Absolutely, because the changes I guide you to making are for you to identify your role in the dynamic, and get clarity on what you are actually experiencing as the root cause of the ongoing issues in your relationship. If he is truly doing the work, you will be equipped with how to know if he is changing enough, or if he is even capable of becoming what you need. Either way you are becoming healthier within and clearer on what you want, so it’s a win-win no matter what happens with your relationship

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